Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 3

Great job last night! Many people were able to run the entire 2 miles without walking and everyone was able to run more than walk. Continued running throughout the week will help you to continue to increase your distance. Remember to slow your pace as needed in order to go the distance with limited walking. One advantage of a slow steady run is that you are often able to think less about the pain and are more able to let your mind wander to a happier place. Check out this link: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-267--12085-0,00.html published in Runner's World about dissociation and how it can be helpful to runners during distance training. While running is certainly a physical activity, it is just as much a mental struggle. I can certainly recall days when my thoughts and mental strength have negatively affected my running. We all have these days and so will you. The key is to identify when it happens, acknowledge it and find ways to avoid this type of mental interference in your future runs.
However, if you are having any physical pain don't hesitate to check in with our Athleticare representative!
Keep up the great work everyone!

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